Monitoring and Reporting

WaVeritas sustainability app

WaVeritas sustainability app

Partners have direct access to the sustainability app where ESG scores of companies and countries can be monitored.

The system is also designed to create comprehensive portfolio and fund reports.

Integration in existing IT systems

Integration in existing IT systems

The WaVeritas scores and information are designed to be integrated into existing processes and systems. During the initial development we are available at no additional cost to guarantee a reliable, sustainable and smooth ESG integration.

Bespoke reporting solutions

Bespoke reporting solutions

ESG regulations and accounting initiatives paving the way towards more streamlined reporting. Given the broad nature of sustainability and the challenges around measurement, quantification and simplification, this process will evolve further over time. Informing stakeholders about ESG practices and performances is an important topic for many companies across all sectors amid stronger expectations from society, investors and regulators.

WaVeritas supports clients in communicating ESG and impact metrics in a coherent and tangible way, in line with the mandates unique strategy. For us, adequate reporting is based on the following principles:

  • As quantitative as possible
  • Methodological and transparent
  • Aligned with benchmark and standards
  • Relevant for the particular investment strategy
  • Based on traceable data of the highest possible quality